Tag Archives: Amy

Doctor Who “A Good Man Goes to War” – Review

11 Jun

Shorter review this time, I promise!


So, just finished watching the half-season-finale, “A Good Man Goes to War.”


First off:







The Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond











(Spoiler warning now)

Headless monks were FREAKY. Seriously. Ughhh scary. War chant stuff and everything….!!!


I really liked the big series 5/6 reunion though. Usually they don’t bring ANYBODY back. Doctor’s Daughter Jenny, Human!Doctor (10), NO ONE. So the big reunion was nice. I had to think back a bit, though, to remember who people were. A second go-around really helped, too.


Flesh-baby was downright scary though. Really scary. I did NOT see that coming.


That entire episode was confusing, but I must say that the ending was fairly easy to follow. And I say fairly. It was sad and happy and scary, and so good. One of my favorite episodes, definitely. I’ve loved the show even more since Matt Smith and Stephen Moffet got on board.



Melody River Pond Song was just kinda crazy though. I liked it though. Kinda makes sense…I think. I did NOT see it coming though. At all. It was so good…I mean, River was all yelling at him one minute and then BAM! she’s like, “Hey I’m Melody Pond.” And then his face and his reaction! Genius. And giggling. 😛


I actually thought she was his mom at first…But this is a lot better. Didn’t go the easy route.

Rory Williams

Rory! Rory Rocks.


I think, this is just a thought, but I don’t think Rory and Amy will stay much longer. Amy was pretty dang ticked, so I bet that at the season break, pop, they’ll be off. The whole creepy poem thing kind of foreshadowed that.


But I liked Rory! Great writing/acting for him. Rory rocks. Lone Centurion, HECK YEAH! Rory is one of my favorite companions. Pond too, but Rory rocks.


A great episode for a great season!
